Through its embedding in the European Research Network ECPE, the Cluster Power Electronics has been active internationally ever since it was founded. Cluster events are regularly attended by participants and presenters from throughout the entire German speaking area.
The cluster is open to participate in projects on European level, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Peter Rechberger, M. Sc.
Project Coordination
Head of Cluster-Internationalization
The cluster is very active on international level and regularly engages with other clusters (e.g. via the European Cluster Collaboration Platform) and international delegations. We encourage our members to participate in European projects, provide information about new calls and act as reviewers on European funding schemes. The cluster also participates in international projects and we are happy to discuss proposals for COSME, Interreg or other programmes.
ESECA Project
We are currently involved in a European project focusing on Sub-saharan Africa - the European Sustainable Energy Cluster partnership for Africa. See
Cooperation with Japan
The cluster intensified its international activities in 2016 thanks to a German funding scheme "Internationalization of Leading-Edge Clusters, Future Projects and Comparable Networks". Together with partner networks NPERC-J and University of Osaka a German-Japanese cooperation in the field of Wide Bandgap Power Electronics was established and still continues today. The research projects IsoGap and SiC-DCBreaker (2018-2021) were part of the implementation of this internationalization effort. You can find more information on these projects here.
© 2019 Cluster Leistungselektronik im ECPE e.V.